Your brain is like a computer running programs. Which programs are launching on start-up?
I’d like you to see your mind like a computer. There are all sorts of different programs running across your operating system. These programs can include simple biological tasks - Breathe.exe or more complex daily tasks like MorningRoutine.exe. But I’d like to show you a program that most of have running in the background called Shame.exe. This software ends up being used for all sorts of tasks that must be accomplished. This .exe file allows people to execute tasks that are generally held as socially good or necessary and is used sparingly to help promote change and positive growth. However for many people, this file has gone from an occasionally helpful resource to a program that takes up almost all available RAM and processing power in the human mind.
Shame.exe, simply put, is our tendency to use shame as a motivator in order to be productive. Shame.exe is a file that most people have running some way, shape, or form. However this executable file can be manipulated as an effort to overclock our productivity; Shame.exe can be exploited to get an individual to perform beyond their emotional limits . So what happens when Shame.exe is over-relied upon? We tend to find that Shame.exe begins launching on start up and slowly takes up all available computing power in order to function.
Its best to look at Shame.exe as simply a program in our minds. It will do whatever we tell it do and to its best ability. So when it becomes the primary program we use to function, it eats up all our bandwith and RAM of our mind. As it runs more and more frequently and we rely on it too heavily, we have less active space to run any other tasks and will ultimately live underneath all of the implied limitations and burdens. We won’t be able to launch programs like Wonder.pdf or Joy.jpeg or Rest.tif. Instead our entire operating system will be subservient to the thralls of Shame.Exe. Thus turning Shame.exe from a sometimes helpful background program into a harmful and damaging virus. So what can be done to shutdown this program or at least regulate its hold on the processors that are our minds?
One route to fixing this issue is to begin by acknowledging how much of the processing power this file is taking up. Honor its existence upon start up and note if it begins on boot-up or if there is another program (internal or external) that launches Shame.exe. Depending on what makes the program boot up, consider your relationship to the thing that launches the executable file. Social media programs, when engaged with for too long, begin to suck up all the processing power and can contribute to the booting of Shame.exe. A poorly balanced diet, a lack of physical exercise, and mismanaged daily habits all certainly contribute to the excess reliance on this executable file. But there are other fixes to this problem depending on severity.
Another route is looking at other .exe files that launch upon start up. One common file that tends to launch along side of Shame.exe is UnmetExpectations.exe. UnmetExpectations.exe is a really tender program and often launches Shame.exe almost like a trojan-like fashion. It may be a very reasonable program that has simply never been allowed to run or be honored. Begin by opening this .exe and letting its program execute by giving it voice. What does it launch? What are the contents within? What do they want? Letting this program run can be a great way to reduce the drain that Shame.exe is having on your processor.
Finally if these two fixes are not enough, you may want to consider reaching out to tech support. Technicians can take a deeper look at Shame.exe, help you identify which programs are launching under Shame.exe, and generally give you tools for managing Shame.exe and free up your processors’ power. Remember this is just a program - not a fact or identity - and does not have to be anything more than that. Don’t let Shame.exe continue to tank your CPU’s performance for another day.